Verification: Pending Spoiler Script
Source: 2ch.netイタチは背後からマダラに手刀で心臓を串 刺しにされていた。
イタチ「マダラ・・・何故あんた が・・・・グハッ・・・」
計画通り素直にサスケに殺されて いればよかったものを・・・
だがこうなることは予想してい た。俺を簡単に出しぬけると思うな・・・愚か者が・・・ 」
だろう・ ・・さあ早くこいつを殺せ・・・
Itachi was stabbed by a dagger in the heart from the back by Madara.
Itachi: Madara...why do you... guarggh..
Madara: It's different from what I said isn't it? It would be good if you have obediently allowed yourself be killed by Sasuke according to the plan...but still, this is not unexpected. You think I cannot come here easily... what a fool...
Madara withdrew his hand, Itachi was dying.
Madara: Alright Sasuke, kill quickly. This is a rare chance for you. The person whom you hate is now pleading pitifully before your eyes. Let the hate that you have accumulated all these years be dispeled once and for all.
Sasuke: So you are Uchiha Mada..Click HERE to read full.
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